HOC procures from vendors for a wide range of activities through the use of Micro Purchases (less than $5,000), Small Purchases ($5,000 to $100,000), and Sealed Bids and Competitive Proposals (over $100,000). Contractual agreements as a result of any of the above procurement levels and any method of procurement used at HOC may trigger one or more of the following programs:

  • Economic Development Programs
    1. HOC Works: All non-HUD funded projects.
    2. Section 3: Covered Public Housing and Housing and Community Development funds.
  • Contractor Background Screening: All contracts.
  • Davis-Bacon: Federally funded construction contracts in excess of $2,000.

HOC Works

HOC Works is an HOC requirement applicable to all contracts with HOC paid for by a source other than HUD. Through the HOC Works program, HOC seeks to foster local economic development, neighborhood economic improvement and individual self-sufficiency.

Section 3

The ultimate goal of HOC’s Section 3 program is to provide jobs for HOC residents and other low-income individuals, as well as award contracts to businesses that share HOC’s commitment to continually bettering the community that this Commission serves.

Below, please find the HOC Works Program Requirements and HOC Works Opportunities Plan. Please complete the Opportunities Plan and submit it with your RFP, RFQ, or BID response. Failure to include a completed Opportunities Plan may result in non-consideration of your entire submission.

HOC Works Program Requirements

HOC Works Forms

Section 3 Program

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published a New Rule updating the Section 3 requirements effective Nov. 30, 2020 (Regulations at 24 CFR Part 75). The new rule shifted the requirements from tracking new-hires and subcontracting to tracking of all labor hours on the project in relation to Section 3 Workers. Section 3 requirements are applicable to certain contracts and projects financed with Public Housing and Housing and Community Development funds. Through the Section 3 program, HOC seeks to foster local economic development, neighborhood economic improvement and individual self-sufficiency.

Section 3 Program Requirements

Section 3 forms

  • Section 3 Worker and Targeted Worker Certification (Coming Soon)
  • Section 3 Business Concern Certification (Coming Soon)
  • Section 3 Procurement Clause (Coming Soon)
  • Section 3 HUD Compliance Review Checklist (Coming Soon)
  • HUD Form 473B-PHA Section 3 Utilization Tool (Coming Soon)
  • HUD Form 4737C-HCD Section 3 Utilization Tool-Recipient (Coming Soon)
  • HUD Form 4737D-Section 3 HUD Funding Tracker (Coming Soon)

Contractor & Subcontractor Background Screening Requirements

HOC’s Contractor and Subcontractors Background Screening Requirements are designed to protect the safety and welfare of residents and HOC property while adhering to applicable provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended), Maryland State and Montgomery County Human Rights and Consumer Protection Laws and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations governing Equal Opportunity. These requirements apply to all contractors and subcontractors and their employees.

Background Screening Documents

Davis-Bacon Labor Laws

Certain federally funded construction projects in excess of $2,000 trigger Davis-Bacon Labor Laws, which require laborers and mechanics to be paid prevailing wages. The United States Department of Labor (DOL) publishes wage decisions defining the type of project, worker classifications and the basic pay rates and fringe benefits required for workers. HOC will notify potential vendors of Davis-Bacon applicability to a given project via the publicly posted solicitation, along with the applicable wage decision published at that time.

HUD Davis-Bacon Related Acts (not limited to):

  • National Housing Act
  • U.S. Housing Act of 1937
  • Housing and Community Development Act of 1974
  • National Affordable Housing Act of 1990
  • Native American Housing Assistance and Self-determination Act of 1996, each as amended.

Davis-Bacon Guidance