The Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County (HOC) is committed to protecting the integrity of the housing programs we administer and ensuring that benefits are received only by eligible households and participating owners in accordance with federal regulations.

If you have reason to believe that any fraudulent activity or program violations are taking place in connection with any of our housing programs, we ask that you promptly bring the matter to our attention. You can report fraud or criminal activity anonymously by completing the form on our website.

What is Fraud?

Fraud involves false statements, omissions, or actions made with the intent to deceive or mislead, resulting in funds being misused or program rules violated or circumvented.  Other program violations include criminal activity or behavior that disrupts the health and safety of other residents. These are program violations that may be committed by an applicant, resident, landlord or vendor.

Examples of Landlord/Owner Fraud or Program Violations

  • Offering bribes to HOC employees or vendors
  • Accepting Housing Assistance Payments for properties that one does not own or represent as the legal agent
  • Accepting Housing Assistance Payments for vacant apartments/homes
  • Requesting rent payments from tenants in excess of the amount stated in the lease
  • Renting to relatives without prior approval from HOC
  • Criminal activity

 Examples of Voucher Holder/Resident Fraud or Program Violations

  • Not reporting income or total amount of income
  • Subletting a subsidized apartment/home
  • Having a voucher issued by the Housing Authority and another agency/owner
  • Allowing people who are not on the lease to live in the apartment/home
  • Criminal activity

How to Report Housing Fraud or Program Violations (including criminal activity)

HOC takes Fraud and Program violations very seriously. If you see fraud or program violations being committed by a landlord, resident or vendor of HOC, please use the form on this website to report the violation. You are not required to provide your name, but please leave your phone number or contact information so we may contact you if additional information is required. Please be specific regarding the violation and provide as much information as possible, including the persons you suspect of committing fraud, where they live (if known) and when the alleged incident occurred. Any person who knowingly makes false statements may be liable for civil damages.

Report a Program Violation