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The Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County (HOC) procures a wide variety of goods and services. To become a supplier to HOC, vendors are required to register in the Montgomery County Central Vendor Registration System.
The vendor registration website is a collaborative effort of HOC, Montgomery County Government, Montgomery College, Montgomery County Public Schools and The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission. It is the one-stop registration system for companies that are interested in providing goods and services to all five county agencies’ procurement offices. It allows potential vendors to create and maintain their subscriptions at no financial cost, ensuring county agencies always have up-to-date vendor information.
Interested vendors can register at http://www.mcipcc.net
After registering, vendors automatically are subscribed to receive Invitations for Bids (IFBs) and Requests for Proposals (RFPs) based on the services for which it registered. All formal solicitations are advertised on HOC’s website and distributed to those on the appropriate bidders list.
To view current invitations for RFPs and Bids on HOC’s website, click here.
For all issues related to billing and payments to vendors, contact the HOC Accounts Payable Department at 240.627.9491.
For all HOC purchasing activities, including public bids, contact the Purchasing Department at purchasing@hocmc.org or 240.627.9785.
If you are an HOC vendor, you can register and log into your account with HOC’s Vendor Portal to manage payments, access forms, and more.
Click here to log into the HOC Vendor Portal.