Inspire Celebration

Housing Opportunities Commission 50th
Housing Opportunities Community Partners 25th

We appreciate your support!

Please accept our heartfelt thank you to those who joined us to commemorate the gold and silver anniversaries of HOC and HOCP and our work in service of the people of Montgomery County.


Thursday, November 21, 2024

5:30 – 9:30 PM

Silver Spring Civic Building
1 Veterans Plaza, Silver Spring, MD


Welcome Remarks Chelsea Andrews, HOC President/Executive Director
Opening Remarks Senator Chris Van Hollen, US Senate
Special Guest Wane Mendoza, HOCP Program Participant
Keynote Address Natalie Burke, Present/CEO – CommonHealth Action
Shauna Sorrells Memorial Inspire Award Presentations Varun Dhawan, HOCP Chair
Anniversary Champagne Toast Roy Priest, HOC Commission Chair

Event Highlights

Keynote Speaker

Natalie Burke, President/CEO – CommonHealth Action

Natalie Burke

Natalie Burke is a nationally known speaker, organizational strategist, “equity evangelist,” expert facilitator, and public health leader. Since 2004, Natalie has provided executive leadership for CommonHealth ACTION, whose mission is to develop people and organizations to produce health through equitable policies, programs, and practices.

2024 Shauna Sorrells Memorial Inspire Award

Natalie Burke

The Shauna Sorrells Memorial Inspire Award honors individuals and groups who have contributed to improving HOC, HOCP, and the lives of Montgomery County residents. The award winners support HOC’s mission to provide affordable housing and supportive services that enhance the lives of low and moderate-income families and individuals, and HOCP’s charge to provide services that strengthen the housing stability and increase the self-sufficiency of HOC families.

Congratulations to this year’s award recipients, who will be recognized at the 2024 Inspire Celebration on November 21.

2024 Award Recipients

Special Thanks to Our Generous Sponsors

Silver Sponsor
Ignite Sponsor
Illuminate Sponsors
Spark Sponsors

Creative Research, LLC | Reno & Cavanaugh, PLLC | Karl Riedel Architecture, PC | Rodgers Consulting | Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani | Citi Community Capital | Michael Kator | 20/20 Foresight Executive Talent Solutions | HD Supply | Kenneth Tecler Law Offices | The Tacy Foundation | Varun Dhawan | Macris, Hendricks and Glascock, P.A. | Nan McKay | Scheer Partners, Inc. | Benjamin Office Supply & Services, Inc. | Community Bridge Inc. | Enterprise Community Development | PMC Management Consulting, LLC | Jeffrey Merkowitz | Eileen Fitzgerald | Jackie Simon