We Are Housers

 Download our Strategic Plan




HOC intends to be nothing less than transformational in the affordable housing space – always keeping custom­ers at the center of the result. As we renew our strategic vision, we are clear about our mission and our core iden­tity. At HOC, We Are HOUSERS. Everything we do and ev­ery person in this agency is focused on just three things:

Getting People Housed                                                              

Keeping People Housed, and

Helping Customers Reach Their Fullest Potential


Our vision is to ensure all of Montgomery County’s residents have access to amenity rich, community-connected housing. As we update our Strategic Plan, what remains true is that no matter how we innovate, our identity as Housers re­mains constant.

Bold and deliberate action is necessary to reach HOC’s vision and to preserve affordable housing in one of the nation’s most desirable communities. With steady and strong Commission leadership; committed staff; the help of our partners; and a mission- driven, entrepreneurial spirit we look forward to providing the highest quality service to Montgomery County for many years to come.                                                


We Are Housers Introduction

Michael Green

Take a look at some of our accomplishments from 2017

Tara Whicker

Pratixa Khona

Marsa Bush